Tips on Choosing the Right Warehouse Racking System

A racking system is a vital part of the warehouse structure that can sometimes hinder or even accelerate its operations. With a proper system in place, warehouses can get extra space and also optimize their organization for a reorganized and efficient picking process. Different racking systems have been developed and it is upon the warehouse to pick the right one which can meet their needs. There are certain essential factors that must be taken into account when looking for the racking system for your warehouse. Storage must be given an upper priority since it can help you in identifying all the deep lane storage opportunities that are available in your warehouse.

A good example of a racking system that can be used by warehouses for different operations is the selective pallet rack. They are most ideal for a narrow aisle racking where the palletized items can be accessed continuously. One major advantage of this system is that it allows direct access to each pallet hence it can be easily designed to any size the warehouse wants. Most of the small to medium sized warehouses with a fast moving inventory prefer this system since they can easily access different types of products quickly. In case the warehouse expands, then this system can simply be adjusted and relocated to a new place.

These systems are ideal for keeping large quantities of items since they will offer maximum storage solutions. Unloading and loading of items is not hard, and it can easily be done by a lift truck through entering the front of the system and then later backing out. The drive-in racking system does not need the aisle since it is established for storing high quantities of similar products which usually use the same entry and exit points. They can sometimes be built to allow access to one side only or a double entry through which the forklifts can access both ends.

They are constructed to allow for the storage of products that do not require the first in first out retrieval process. They are stationary rack structures that load the items from one end and apply the use of slides and inclined rails for movement. Compared to other systems, the push back pallet racking system is much faster when it comes to the loading and unloading process. Since it uses the last in first out retrieval method; every item can be easily accessed since it provides multiple pick faces.

Carton flow racking system performs the same function as the pallet flow racking systems, but they are usually designed for boxes and other small products. They are also designed to rotate all the products automatically by design hence allowing for easy storage optimization and efficiency.

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