Powerful Prayers To Speak Over Yourself And Others

The scriptures have instructed us to supplicate and pray about everything happening to our lives and those of people around us. Praying can be frustrating especially when you do not know where to start. The typical “please bless so-and-so” and “help them with such-and-such a thing” prayer is stuck in your mind such that you might be willing to pray for others but you do not know how to move beyond this kind of prayer. This is what may make you to give up on praying for yourself and others simply because you do not know how to go about it.

You might be willing to pray for the needs and obvious troubles of people, for instance, those undergoing persecution in a certain country but you get discouraged at the realization that you do not know how to intercede for them. This should not, however, discourage you instead you should believe in God that He wants you to move past your lack and enter boldly into a prayer closet hence you should ask Him to teach you how to pray.

The scriptures will teach you how to pray. Reading bible verses every day is critical because of how it will impact your life. The teachings, inspiration, and instructions from the bible will help you a great deal in improving your prayer life. Reading the Pauline epistles in the bible will stir your spirit because you will want to pray for the same things for yourself and others.

When you pray those prayers in the Pauline epistles from the scriptures, you will wonder at how the Holy Spirit falls powerfully every time you pray. There will be powerful falling of the Holy Spirit when you pray from the scriptures because the bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit hence the words written there are His own. Thus every time you pray, you pray in the Spirit. Therefore the more hard work you put in praying with His request, the more your spirit will be directed to intercede in greater measures. Inspiration to pray for specific but unknown things for yourself and others will come from the Spirit.

This article outlines to you some of the powerful prayers to get you started. You should pray that God gives you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. Praying for the enlightenment of the understanding of your eyes is another powerful prayer that will help you know the hope of God’s calling and His riches of glory for the inheritance of saints. Another scripture prayer to make is for the dwelling of the presence of God in your heart by faith and strengthening of your inner-man by His Spirit.

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